hiya Coffee Cup,
In the last podcast episode I experimented with using Chatty to turn my podcast episode summary into an engaging LinkedIn post. But without adding anything to the post, I'm talking to myself on LinkedIn. So now, I'm showing you a successful way I've been using Chatty to create strong LinkedIn hashtags from a post.
Listen: click the play button below OR listen in your favorite podcast app
Find my key takeaways below.
Episode details:
Listen on YouTube (yes, I said listen) here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist
Come on the podcast! https://forms.gle/hAY9CcouW12BzcYj9
Music: Keyframe Audio: https://keyframeaudio.com/
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Main Takeaways: TITLE
ChatGPT is far better at creating hashtags for LinkedIn than turning a podcast summary into a LI post (part 1)
It appears that my base LinkedIn impressions has gone up significantly using this method of getting hashtags (and more importantly, my discovery calls AND booked Momentum Calls have increased significantly.)
as with most Chatty conversations, asking the same question a few times and picking the result that will work the best is a good way to get enough LI hashtags as well as ones that will attract the right people
What’s your biggest takeaway?
Other Coffeelike Media Productions
Podcast To Connect: Podcasting is THE best connection focused medium
Solo Worklife Meditations: relax and mentally shed your work worries
Geopats: conversations about what grounds us in a different culture
Global Podcast Editors: podcast editor challenges from around the world
Cup out,