hiya Coffee Cup,
You know, I made amazing tasting chicken wings with a spice recipe (with nigella seeds) from Chatty the other day. With the voice prompt. 🤯
I was able to ask for the next step, do it, then ask for the next one. I got food amounts at the moment I needed them by asking. This minimized the overwhelm of having a long recipe on a small screen. It was what I needed, when I needed it.
This type of prompt chaining, no matter if by voice or text, is a key way to get what you need from Chatty or any LLM.
In this new episode, I’m experimenting with writing a podcast script with Chatty. Spoiler: It was a HUGE success, but not in the way you’re thinking.
Listen: click the play button below OR listen in your favorite podcast app
Read the transcripts here: https://aiandpodcasting.buzzsprout.com/2371927/15361759-podcast-script-help-with-chatgpt
Find my key takeaways below.
😍 If you’ve enjoying this post, hit the heart/like button. Thank you!
Main Takeaways:
ChatGPT 3.5/4o will say the output in most circumstances but NOT reading out the finalized script. This is a first for me. I’ve never heard it not vocalize a final output.
even if the script is not used during the recording, organizing the thoughts about what goes into the episode via this conversational style prompting with ChatGPT is very effective in getting the order of thoughts in your head
Sound note:
Adobe Podcast AI is getting better at doing sound clean up on bot voices like ChatGPT. The problem in my voice track is because despite doing a mic check, it recorded from my laptop mic. Argh.
Episode details:
Podcast to Connect episode i was scripting in this chat:
- , the history podcast I mentioned.
Episode that I created from this scripting help: https://podcasttoconnect.buzzsprout.com/2363861/15341153-talk-to-these-3-groups-for-audience-growth
Listen on (yes, I said listen)——-ADD YOUTUBE LINK AFTER “ON”
Come on the podcast! https://forms.gle/hAY9CcouW12BzcYj9
Music: Keyframe Audio: https://keyframeaudio.com/
Other Coffeelike Media Productions
Podcast To Connect: Podcast + marketing = joyful connections
Solo Worklife Meditations: relax and mentally shed your work worries
Geopats: conversations with expats about what grounds us elsewhere
Global Podcast Editors: podcast editor challenges from around the world
Cup out,
This was a fascinating listen!
I'm just starting to dip my toes into using AI for my podcast - I love how it's worked so far, and I'm amazed and excited to see how much more there is to do with it!