hiya Coffee Cup,
I know how unsexy this task sounds but believe you me, this is a game changer. Using Chatty (what I call ChatGPT) to turn a document into a spreadsheet checklist is the first time an LLM has saved me time. Usually it saves me headspace and stress but time, eh, no. Trust me, you’ll think of ways to use this function.
Listen: click the play button below OR listen in your favorite podcast app
Read the transcripts here: https://aiandpodcasting.buzzsprout.com/2371927/15385719-turn-a-document-into-a-spreadsheet-with-chatgpt-for-your-podcast
Find my key takeaways below.
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Main Takeaways:
podcast organization just got a lot faster with this conversion function of ChatGPT
being able to have Chatty use Python to code FOR US is a game changer. This saves time and headspace more than any other task I’ve shown you to date. (I mean, unless you like coding. Then this may make you sad.)
there are many ways you can use this document to spreadsheet function
turn an podcast email into a checklist
turn a tutorial episode into a checklist (from your transcript)
turn a text message conversation with a collaborator into a to do list
Episode details:
100 ways ChatGPT can help you with podcast messaging blog post: https://www.stephfuccio.com/blog/100-podcast-messaging-tasks-for-chatgpt-to-help-you-with
Listen on YouTube (yes, I said listen): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTml-mdHWyX-VBTvJwWNVCMpU8gVK_nvz
Be a guest on AI and Podcasting: https://forms.gle/hAY9CcouW12BzcYj9
Music: Keyframe Audio: https://keyframeaudio.com/
Cup out,
Other Coffeelike Media Productions
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