Hi Coffee Cup,
I’m having a rare NOOOOOOOO moment with AI this week.
What’s set me off? 3 things
the AI that won’t be named that is challenging the personalization aspect of podcasting that I adore so fast I can’t catch my breath
ChatGPT hiding my anxiety questions chat every day since I made this video about how I use it (it’s messing up my morning!)
social AI (more on this below)
Okay, the Denmark darkness is starting and that’s not helping either but 1-3 are much bigger factors in my general WTFness this week.
So I’m taking a week off to marinate. And I’m hoping hear from you on your ideas on this. I need a bit of a prying my mind open. Please?
Social AI
A social network where we are the only human chatting. I.just.don’t. like.this.idea.
Change my mind, please.
The episode that describes this:
Podcasting Tools:
✨ Host your podcast on Buzzsprout:https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=2022201
Some links are affiliate links. These are products I adore so I recommend them highly.
See ya next Tuesday,